Franco American Hotel

Franco American Hotel

Welcome to the Franco-American Hotel, the home of the G.W. Nelson Collection. From a narrow, two story brick house in the 1850’s, to an expansive hotel with a 167 foot frontage, the Franco American Hotel became one of the largest and finest inns in Northern California. Started by the Frenchman Leon Marniesse in 1855, the hotel housed a restaurant, Wells Fargo and Company Express Office, saloon and other businesses, and was a well-known stage stop. Through the years improvements consisted if a “piazza” or balcony across the front, additional suites of sleeping rooms upstairs and a two story brick dining room. Among prominent hotel guests were Vice President Colfax, General and Mrs. Philip Sheridan and President Hayes.

Come see the renovation of this historic building in Yreka, Ca. where Gary & Roselie Nelson have their life long collection on display.

Photo Credit: Franco American Hotel


310 West Miner Street Yreka, Ca 96097

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