Homeward Bounty Farm

Homeward Bounty Farm

Homeward Bounty Farm is located in Grenada, the agricultural valley nestled at the foot of Mt. Shasta.  The small scale farm produces organic, open-pollinated crops and has become a fixture of the Mt. Shasta Farmer’s Market and venues that serve and sell local produce. Homeward Bounty Farm is owned and run by Kate O’Brien, and by her side is husband Jonathan Mann and their young daughter.

Kate has a deep relationship to agriculture and the Siskiyou County area, and in her own words feels, “It isn’t odd that I’ve found the perfect fit in small scale agriculture, growing food and saving seeds. It has been the culture of agriculture that has struck me deep. The relationship we have with what we eat, how we eat, who we share meals with and how those acts define our days and lives…An even more resonating chapter in my passion for food…is my recent move back to Siskiyou County and the honor of growing food and seeds for the community that raised me”.

Want to meet Kate or buy some Homeward Bounty Farm Produce?

Visit the beautiful Mt. Shasta Farmers’ Market – every Monday from 3:30-6:00 (June through October)

Eat out, locally! Cafe Maddalena has been a lovely supporter of Homeward Bounty Farm’s efforts. Brett’s creativity and chef skills take fresh produce to another level!

Shop local!  Berryvale Grocery  carries Siskiyou County grown produce. Look for the blue tags.

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