Living Memorial Sculpture Garden

Living Memorial Sculpture Garden

The Living Memorial Sculpture Garden is an exceptional 136-acre art installation and war memorial along Highway 97 on the Goosenest Ranger District of the Klamath National Forest.  Created in 1988 by a dedicated group of veterans, the site is now maintained under an agreement with the USDA Forest Service.

The site includes the Hot LZ Memorial Wall, The Labryinth, and ten scultures by artist Dennis Smith.

Garden: There are currently eleven sculpture groups by artist Dennis Smith.

The Wall:  Every Memorial and Veterans Days, the names of U.S. & Allied veterans are added to the granite clad “Hot LZ Memorial Wall”. The Hot LZ  helicopter sculpture perched atop the Wall, was brought to life by the dreams of Jim Leach, and artistry of Dennis Smith. In the middle of the Wall, a bronze plaque honors LTC Ace Cozzalio, a decorated helicopter pilot, and a founding member of the LMSG.

Photo Credit: Living Memorial Sculpture Garden


16515 US-97, Weed, CA 96094
(530) 938-2218

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